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RareDigitalWatches.com :: Help

PBLCode Explanation:

[img][/img] This is used to display images on your posts or signatures.

Usage: [img]http://www.yourdomain.com/PBLang/imagespath/help.gif[/img]


[url][/url] This is used to add web hyperlinks in your posts or signatures.

Usage: [url]http://www.yourdomain.com[/url]

Displays: www.yourdomain.com

[email][/email] This is to add mailto: email links to your posts or signatures.

Usage: [email]yourname@yourdomain.com[/email]
Displays: yourname@yourdomain.com

[glowCOLOR][/glowCOLOR] This adds glowtext to your post or signature. Replace COLOR with a color of your choice (red,blue,orange,green)

Usage: [glowred]Glow Text[/glowred]

Glow Text

[i][/i] This makes your text italic in your post or signature.

Usage: [i]Italic Text[/i]
Displays: Italic Text

[b][/b] This makes your text bold in your post or signature.

Usage: [b]Bold text[/b]
Displays: Bold text

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